Read and listen to
The Little Mermaid
for free

Read and listen to
The Little Mermaid
for free

Why are we sharing free stories?

Reading for pleasure can change lives. 

Children who enjoy reading are more likely to lead happier and fulfilled lives. 

But with spiralling living costs more than half of all families can’t afford books (with 26% already seeing a noticeable academic decline).

To put families back in control we’ve teamed up with Sooper Books—a new free way to enjoy unlimited bookshop quality stories and audiobooks, wherever you are.

Simply click below to access the full library and please spread the word to friends and family.

Who are Read for Good?

Read for Good is a charity encouraging children to love reading. Children who read for pleasure are more likely to do well in school, have better paying jobs and better health and well-being. For children living in poverty or at risk of adverse childhood experiences, reading can be a literal escape route: offering both immediate relief and alternative pathways in life. A disadvantaged child who reads will outperform an advantaged child who doesn’t.

Who are Sooper Books?

Sooper Books is a childrens’ digital library packed full of original stories and rhymes as well as classic retellings and nursery rhymes. They are a double Emmy® winning, Grammy® nominated, critically acclaimed team of creative minds (who are also parents).

Why are these stories free?

Read for Good and Sooper Books have joined forces to give kids unlimited access to stories. We want to make it easier for kids to read for pleasure because research shows this not only has a significant influence on a child's academic performance but personal growth too.